Comedy review: Lizzy Hoo, Hoo’s That Girl
Nothing is off limits for Lizzy Hoo in this jam-packed show about love, grief, and sharing custody of her dog.
Source: Lizzy Hoo, Hoo’s That Girl is now showing at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival
In a packed 60-minute show, Lizzy delivers rapid-fire jokes and shares tales about growing up in an all-girls catholic school (where just the whiff of a boy sent horny teens into overdrive), co-parenting a dog with her ex-boyfriend, and the adventures of being single amidst a crew of lively, ready-to-party mums. There is never a dull moment in Hoo’s That Girl, as Lizzy’s anecdotes segue seamlessly from one hilarious experience to the next.
Lizzy isn’t afraid to open up about the more absurd situations she finds herself in. She kicks off the evening recounting a radio interview she had with the ABC that led to some rather messy consequences… thanks to a sensitive stomach and a bowl of extra creamy pasta. Toeing the line between shock and amusement, Lizzy expertly avoids veering all the way into discomfort, skilfully balancing on the edge of the grotesque. It’s an art she has mastered, knowing exactly how far to push the boundaries of a joke and knowing when to reel it back.
Hoo’s That Girl focuses predominantly on Lizzy’s relationships – with friends, family, or past boyfriends. In a world where digital dating is the norm, she feels like an ‘MS-DOS operating system in an AI 21st century,’ offering us a glimpse of what it is like to navigate the complexities of dating in your forties and choosing whether to let the dog sleep in the bed or a man (it’s certainly a conundrum).
Lizzy exudes her signature down-to-earth charm and infectious energy, ensuring everyone in the audience has a smile on their face throughout the show. Whether you’re a newcomer to Lizzy’s world or a devoted fan, her performance guarantees a delightful experience. While some of her humour may resonate more strongly with women, there’s certainly something in her repertoire for everyone to enjoy.
Lizzy Hoo, Hoo’s That Girl is performing live at The Victoria Hotel - Banquet Room from now until 21st of April.
For more details and tickets, click here