10 Lessons I Learnt Living in LA

Safety is super important. Always be cautious when walking alone at night and buy pepper spray.

Rideshare Apps are your best friends. Uber and Lyft come in handy as public transport is so unreliable.

It’s much harder to spot celebrities. They’re very good at disguising themselves with caps and oversized sunglasses, blending in with us ordinary folk.

Bring proper walking shoes. The footpaths are extremely uneven and I’ve stubbed my toes numerous times wearing thongs.

You'll fit in quickly if you're into astrology, veganism, doing yoga, going to overpriced gyms, or looking at yourself in the mirror. 

Refrain from using Aussie slang. Nobody seems to understand a thing I say unless I speak with a more professional, British sounding accent.

Always look both ways before crossing the road, drivers here are careless, I almost got run over at a designated pedestrian crossing.

Take risks but be smart about it. Step out of your comfort zone and call up potential employers/managers, invest in your own start-up, or upload that Youtube video you've been dying to show but are too afraid of what others may think. LA is the perfect place to take risks, just have a plan.

Air quality is generally pretty low - terrible for those asthma sufferers. Have a spare mask in your bag if you are sensitive. Apparently pollution is the cause behind LA's colorful sunsets...

Carry spare change with you at all times. You never know when you'll need those quarters for the washer/dryer, parking meter or bus fare. Avoid the pennies though...


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