What to Expect When Living in Los Angeles

Are the people really fake?

Fakeness is HUGE and I'm not just talking about those fake titties. There is really no authenticity to a lot of the people here. Unfortunately, many will use you for their own personal gain.

​I've had strangers give me the side eye at the grocery store for purchasing regular milk over the standard cashew, almond, or oat milk...

Although it can be difficult to form solid friendships and relationships once you find your people through social events like sporting groups, church groups, work, creative networking etc, you'll discover that there are still genuine people who are just like you trying to navigate this crazy city that is Los Angeles. 

Food diversity

Variety is what matters and when it comes to living in a city hosting a diverse range of people from all over the world you're bound to find something you fancy.

There are taco trucks spread across the city which are great after a wild night out.

​My favourite Mexican restaurant would have to be Gracias Madre in Weho – all their food is organic and vegan. I'm not vegan or vegetarian so I was skeptical at first but was quickly surprised at how amazing the food tasted! 

Korean BBQ in K-town is also a good idea for dining out and clearing those sinuses, just don't plan on going out afterwards unless you want your hair smelling like a rat on fire. 

And if you're after that classic Hollywood vibe then I'd suggest heading to Musso & Frank, the oldest restaurant in Hollywood (and recently featured in Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood). The restaurant is over 100 years old and still looks the way it did when Charlie Chaplin dined there!  

Those smells

The constant smell of THC in the air, car fumes, or urine stained footpaths boiling in the sun. God I love L.A. 

Stuck in traffic

Traffic is a pain in the ass. If someone organises an event in downtown Los Angeles and I'm in Santa Monica, then there is absolutely no way I'll be attending that party, unless I want to spend an hour and a half in traffic for what was only suppose to be a 25km (16mile) drive. 

People have no patience when driving either. Everytime I hop into an Uber I know it'll turn into the final installment of Fast & Furious. Nobody indicates, people are always glued to their phones, and who stops at a stop signs anyway these days?

Lastly, do not jaywalk. You'll either be run over or fined by the police. 

Public transport sucks

Public transport does exist and can be useful in certain areas but overall it's unreliable and sketchy. I once witnessed a man, whose face was covered in paint, get on the bus without a ticket carrying a ziploc full of syringes. Of course, out of all the free seats, he just had to pick the one next to mine...

The implementation of motorized scooters, Lime and Bird, are quite popular and convenient to get around, but be careful riding them on the footpaths as they can be extremely uneven – and on that note do not wear flip flips/thongs when walking on these pavements as you WILL stub your toe. 

Dating sucks

I always thought ghosts only came out at Halloween but it's a yearly thing here. Ghosting has become pretty common in general. If you don't know what ghosting is, basically it's when someone suddenly cuts you out of their life without explanation. So be warned guys and girls, no matter how great the connection is they probably wont text you back. Sorry! Millions of dreamers journey to L.A. in hope of becoming a star, and often with that comes big egos. 

The sad reality of homelessness

When I first arrived in Los Angeles, driving from LAX to my accommodation, I instantly had flashbacks to my time in Mumbai, India; seeing the clear contrast between rich and poor. One minute you're passing a wealthy gated community, and the next you're driving by a tent city set up at a local park. This can be overwhelming at first but eventually it's just something you expect to see on the daily.

Exotic pets

Angelinos really do love their dogs. Especially the small ones you can dress up and walk in strollers. I've been living here for a year and have become accustomed to seeing small chihuahuas wearing miniature sunglasses and Louis Vuitton jackets. 

Besides dogs, I've even seen people walking iguanas and hawks on leads.

Hollywood Boulevard is a no go

Stay away. You only need to gaze down at the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ONCE. This place is sensory overload; with street performers, Marilyn look-alikes, tourists, and hagglers. I know television and films make it seem as though Hollywood is the epicentre of celebrity sight-seeing and nightlife but people who live here definitely avoid the area at all costs. It is way too crowded and dirty. Take a few pics and then climb back down Hollywood/Highland station to get the hell outta there. 

The noise never ends

Helicopters. Go up to Griffith Observatory during the evening and watch the countless LAPD helicopters flutter above the city. I've been woken up at numerous hours by them hovering over my neighborhood.  When they're that close to your apartment you know something's not right in your area. 

Ambulances. They're loud! Block your ears or bare the consequences of tinnitus for the rest of the day. 

Dogs barking in condensed housing areas. Yep, my 6 am wake up call. 

Bottle collectors. I lived in an area called Historic Filipinotown for the first few months where I was frequently woken to the sound of bottles clinking against rubbish bins. As I peeped out the window I'd see a homeless man scavenging the bins for bottles to make a quick buck. 

For the gram

Whether it's a selfie in front of hundreds of concreted stars or the angel wing pose on Melrose, these social media crazed teens (and adults) will literally spend their entire trip trying to get the perfect insta pic. Head down to Malibu and watch them flock to the shores for an iPhone bikini shoot. Once the right angle has been found it's time to head home, no need to take a dip in the water. Or hike Runyon Canyon (a celeb hotspot) and witness the countless tanned, botch-lipped, athleisure wearing women walk 15 minutes to a viewing point to take a few hundred photos of the hazy city, only to head back down to the nearest Starbucks to rehydrate with a much needed almond milk latte. #hardwork #labitchez

Overall Los Angeles is an amazing city that has a lot to offer despite it sounding like I only mentioned the negatives.


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